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Online Store Security



The security of your personally identifiable information and transactions is a top priority at Supreme Fulvic, LLC. When purchasing products through our online store, to ensure that your information is safely transmitted to us, we use SSL to provide end-to-end security ensuring that your sensitive data is never transferred in an unencrypted format. Our online store connection is secured up to 256-BIT ENCRYPTION with a Bitdefender Personal CA.Net-Defender.

What is SSL?:

The first component, and perhaps most widely known in relation to online commerce, is Secure Sockets Layer ("SSL"). SSL is a program layer originally created by Netscape for managing the security of message transmissions in a network. In plain English, SSL encrypts information traveling between a web browser and a web server. In this manner, even if some packets of the information submitted to the web server were to be intercepted (a fairly difficult and unlikely event in itself), the information is in an encrypted format, so any information intercepted will be unreadable by the interceptor. This SSL connection ensures that all data transmitted between the web server and web browser remain private and integral.

In order to establish an SSL connection between a web browser and a web server an SSL "Certificate" is required. SSL makes use of a digital ID or certificate installed on the web server with complementary pieces included in your SSL enabled browser. There are a number of Certificate Authorities ("CA") who provide digital IDs. We have chosen Bitdefender as the CA for our website. The digital ID provides independent third party verification that a given business exists and is operating a secure website at the given URL. It also allows the web server and browser to negotiate up to 256-bit SSL encryption for secure information transfers over the network.

How does it work?

When your web browser connects to an SSL secure page of a website the browser will retrieve the web site's SSL Certificate and check that: a) the SSL Certificate has not expired, b) it has been issued by a Certification Authority the browser trusts, and c) that it is being used by the actual website for which the Certificate has been issued. If it fails any one of these checks the browser will display a warning to the end user (you). In addition to ensuring that you are connected to an SSL protected web-page, SSL allows full encryption of all data transfers from the SSL protected page ensuring that the transferred information is protected at all times during the transfer.

Because of the complexity of an SSL encrypted connection additional processing time on both the client (your web browser) and the website server is required. It would slow down your shopping experience if we SSL encrypted the entire website and online store, therefore, the SSL connection and encryption is only activated when you click "Checkout" or "View Cart" buttons. So, while you are shopping you may receive a warning that the connection is not secure when adding or modifying shopping cart items, that's ok because, at that particular point in time no sensitive data is being transmitted. It's important to remember that the only information being transferred at that point is what item (product) you are adding or modifying. There is obviously no need to incur the extra processing time of SSL until you are ready to actually submit and transmit sensitive information.

When you are ready to checkout and click the "Checkout" button the connection then changes to a secure SSL encrypted connection. You should notice in the location window of your browser the "http://" change to "https://". You will also most likely see an image of a lock appear on the right side of the location window indicating that you are operating in the SSL secure mode. You may also notice other changes in your browser – depending on what particular web browser and what version of the browser it is that you are using.